I had to go to Texas last week for a family emergency. Heading into Fort Worth to stay with a friend before I returned to NY Sunday, my parents and I pulled into a Cracker Barrel in Weatherford for some lunch. As we turned into the parking lot, we saw a whole row of classic cars roped off. Cracker Barrel was having a little classic car contest! I spoke with the restaurant manager and he said that he has it once a year - invites people in with their classics, whether it's a show car, a beater, whatever - and has the patrons and his staff vote on the favorite. While I photographed, my parents chatted, so I have to credit them with some of the details.
Hoods up!

Great hood ornament:
Gorgeous T-bird. I talked with the owner for a few minutes, and will do a whole post just on this car:

There were a few Chevy Bel Airs. Surprisingly, not a single '57:

Car guy with a sense of humor:

There were a few muscle cars - this orange Ford Torino GT was a beauty, and won the judge's choice award:
I drooled over this one for awhile:

Tachometer on the Mustang:

And the winner, Morris, with his '54 Chevy:
More cars from Texas to come!
All images ©2010 Megan Green, All Rights Reserved.